Health Services
Please notify the School Nurse of any changes to your child’s health throughout the school year. This includes:
Injuries – If your child is injured and is unable to participate in physical activity, an MD note is required. If your child has a physical condition which prevents activity, the student will still go outside for fresh air, but will sit out from the physical activity. If your child’s condition requires that he/she stay inside the building during recess, the note from the doctor will need to specify that information.
Illness – If your child has been out sick for an illness, please send a note in to the nurse so we can continue to monitor your child as necessary while they are back in school.
Surgery – If your child is having surgery, whether planned or unexpected, please contact the nurse.
Extended Absences - Extended absences from school due to surgical procedures or medical conditions occasionally require your child to be put on homebound education. The nurse can assist in facilitating this with the social worker.
Clothing – Please make sure your PK, K, & 1st grade students have a least one full change of clothing in the classroom. This includes a top, bottom, underwear, and socks. These students are still adjusting to bathroom routines and often find themselves in need of a change of clothing during the school day. Please remember to replace as needed.
Medication - The Beaufort County Medication Policy can be found on the District Website or below on this page. If your child has a need for medication at school, the permission form can be found below.
Please do not send medication in with your child. It must be brought to school by an adult.
Immunizations – Immunizations are required for enrollment at Beaufort County Schools. There is a grace period of 30 days if you child is not compliant with the required vaccines. Please see the DHEC Immunization Information below.
Breakfast - We understand the mornings may be busy and difficult to get your children up and out the door for school, but starting the day with breakfast can make a big impact. Breakfast is available in the cafeteria from 7:15-7:35 every day for $1.00.